当时课程参考斯坦福(后来换成了伯克利)的人工智能课,教材理论上应该是Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,但是某马姓老师上课质量和在我们反馈后采取的态度实在是不敢恭维,此处暂且按下不表了。
Machine Learning
Linear Predictors
Feature vector:
\[\phi(x) = [\phi_1(x), ..., \phi_d(x)] \in R^d\]Weight vector:
\[w(x) = [w_1(x), ..., w_d(x)] \in R^d\]Score (how confident we are in predicting +1):
\[w \cdot \phi(x) = \sum_{j=1}^d w_j \phi_j(x)\](Binary) linear classifier:
\[f_w(x)=sign(w \cdot \phi(x))\]Loss Minimization
Margin (how correct we are):
\[(w \cdot \phi(x))y = score \cdot y\]Note: a binary classifier errors when margin is negative
Binary Classification
Zero-one loss:
\[Loss_{0-1}(x, y, w) = 1[f_w(x)!=y] = 1[(w \cdot \phi(x))y \leq 0] = 1[margin \leq 0]\]Hinge loss:
\[Loss_{hinge}(x, y, w) = \max \left\{1-(w\cdot \phi(x))y, 0\right\} = \max \left\{1-margin, 0\right\}\]Logistic loss:
\[Loss_{logistic}(x, y, w) = \log(1+e^{-(w \cdot \phi(x))y}) = \log(1+e^{-margin})\]- Hinge loss upper bounds 0-1 loss, has non-trivial gradient.
- Logistic regression tries to increase margin even when it already exceeds 1.
Linear Regression
Residual (the amount by which prediction $f_w(x)$ overshoots the target $y$:
\[w \cdot \phi(x) - y\]Square loss (min: mean $y$):
\[Loss_{squared}(x, y, w) = (f_w(x)-y)^2 = (w \cdot \phi(x) - y)^2 = residual^2\]Absolute deviation loss (min: median $y$):
\[Loss_{absdev}(x, y, w) = |f_w(x)-y| =|w \cdot \phi(x)-y| = |residual|\]Loss Minimization Framework
\[TrainLoss(w) = \frac{1}{|D_{train}|} \sum_{(x, y) \in D_{train}} Loss(x, y, w)\] \[\min_{w \in R^d} TrainLoss(w)\]Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
Gradient Descent
Objective function (train loss using square loss):
\[TrainLoss(w) = \frac{1}{D_{train}} \sum_{(x, y)\in D_{train}} (w \cdot \phi(x) - y)^2\]Gradient:
\[\nabla_w TrainLoss(w) = \frac{1}{D_{train}} \sum_{(x, y)\in D_{train}} 2(w \cdot \phi(x) - y) \phi(x)\]Problem: each iteration requires going over all training examples (long training time)
Stochastic Gradient Descent
where $\eta$ is called step size
- Constant: $\eta = 0.1$
- Decreasing: $\eta = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mbox{#updates made so far}}}$
Summary I
\[w \cdot \phi(x)\]Features
Feature templates
e.g. spam:
- length greater than __ -> 10/20/30/…
- last 3 characters equals __ -> aaa/abc/xyz/…
- contains character __ -> @/#/&/…
- pixel intensity of position __ -> 0.95/0.8/0.3/…
Feature Vector Representations
Array representation (for dense features):
\[[0.85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]\]Map representation (for sparse features):
\[\{``fracOfAlpha": 0.85, ``contains\_@": 1\}\]Hypothesis Class
\[F = \{f_w: w \in R^d\}\]Beyond Linear Functions
Linear classifiers can produce non-linear decision boundaries.
Quadratic functions:
\[\phi(x) = [x, x^2]\]Piecewise constant function:
\[\phi(x) = [1[0<x\leq1], 1[1<x<2], ...]\]Neural Networks
Logistic function $(-\infty, \infty) \rightarrow [0, 1]$:
\[\sigma(z) = (1+e^{-z})^{-1}\\ \nabla \sigma(z) = \sigma(z) (1-\sigma(z))\]Neural network:
Intermediate hidden units:
\[h_j = \sigma(v_j \cdot \phi(x)), \sigma(z) = (1+e^{-z})^{-1}\]Output:
\[score = w \cdot h\]Difference with machine learning: features is specified in ML, but learned in NN
Basic building blocks:
Nearest Neighbors
Summary II
Goal: to minimize error on unseen future examples
Controlling Size of Hypothesis Class
Keeping the Dimensionality $d$ Small
- Manual feature (template) selection: only retain features that help
- Automatic feature selection
Keeping the Norm (Length) $|| w || $ Small
- Regularization:
Note: SVM = hinge loss + regularization
Early stopping:
make T smaller (if fewer updates, \(\parallel w \parallel\) can’t get too big)
Development Cycle
Unsupervised Learning
Motivation: Unlabeled data is much cheaper
Idea: discover latent structures within data automatically
Put similar points in same cluster and dissimilar in different clusters.
Objective function:
\[Loss_{kmeans}(z, \mu) = \sum_{i=1}^n || \phi(x_i)-\mu_{z_i}||^2\]where $\mu_{z_i}$ is the centroid of cluster $k$
K-Means Algorithm
\[\min_z \min_{\mu} Loss_{kmeans}(z, \mu)\]Goal: given centroids $\mu_1, \mu_2,…, \mu_K$ , assign each point to the best centroid.
Goal: given cluster assignments $z_1, z_2, …, z_n$ , find the best centroids $\mu_1, \mu_2, … ,\mu_K$.
Problem: K-means may trap in local minima.
- Run multiple times from different random initializations.
- Initialize with a heuristic (K-means++)