

Posted by AH on April 18, 2020


Search Problems

  • a state space

    e.g. (x, y) location

  • a successor function (with actions, costs)

    e.g. update location

  • a start state and a goal test

    e.g. (x, y)==END

A solution is a sequence of actions (a plan) which transforms the start state to a goal state.

State Space Graphs

Search Trees

  • Start state: root node
  • Successors: children
  • Nodes: states

For most problems, we can never actually build the whole tree.

1  procedure Tree-Search(problem, strategy):
2      initialize the search tree using the initial state of problem
3      loop do
4          if there are no candidates for expansion
5              return failure
6          choose a leaf node for expansion according to strategy
7          if the node contains a goal state
8              return the corresponding solution
9          else
10             expand the node and add its children to the search tree
11     end


Fringe is a LIFO stack.

1  procedure DFS(G,v):
2      let S be a stack
3      S.push(v)
4      while S is not empty
5          v = S.pop()
6          if v is not labeled as discovered:
7              label v as discovered
8              for all edges from v to w in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
9                  S.push(w)

Branching factor: $b$, the depth of the whole tree: $m$

  • Time complexity: $O(b^m)$
  • Space complexity: $O(bm)$ (space good)
  • can process the whole tree
  • not optimal


Fringe is a FIFO queue.

1  frontier = Queue()
2  frontier.put(start)
3  visited = {}
4  visited[start] = True
6  while not frontier.empty():
7      current = frontier.get()
8      for next in graph.neighbors(current):
9          if next not in visited:
10             frontier.put(next)
11             visited[next] = True

Branching factor: $b$, the depth of the shallowest solution: $s$

  • Time complexity: $O(b^s)$ (time good)
  • Space complexity: $O(b^s)$
  • can process all nodes above shallowest solution
  • optimal only if costs are all 1

Iterative Deepening

= DFS space + BFS time

Fringe is a priority queue with priority cumulative cost.

Solution cost: $C^\ast$, min arcs cost: $\epsilon$ -> effective depth roughly $C^\ast/ \epsilon$.

  • Time complexity: $O(b^{C^*/ \epsilon})$
  • Space complexity: $O(b^{C^* / \epsilon})$
  • can process all nodes with cost less than cheapest solution
  • of course optimal


  • explore options in every direction
  • no info about goal location

Search Heuristics

A function that estimates how close a state is to a goal.

e.g. Manhattan distance, Euclidean distance

  • Strategy: expand a node that you think is closest to a goal state (lowest heuristic)

  • Worst-case: like a badly-guided DFS

  • Strategy: order by the sum $f(n) = g(n) + h(n)$
  • optimal when admissible heuristics (heuristic cost $\leq$ actual cost to the goal)
1  frontier = PriorityQueue()
2  frontier.put(start, 0)
3  came_from = {}
4  cost_so_far = {}
5  came_from[start] = None
6  cost_so_far[start] = 0
8  while not frontier.empty():
9      current = frontier.get()
11     if current == goal:
12         break
14     for next in graph.neighbors(current):
15         new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next)
16         if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
17             cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
18             priority = new_cost + heuristic(goal, next)
19             frontier.put(next, priority)
20             came_from[next] = current

Optimal when consistent heuristic (heuristic arc $\leq$ actual cost for each arc)